Workshop 26:

Sexual Communication and the Art of Recieving

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Today we dive into some really delicious worthiness work. Worthiness is such an essential ingredient for:

1) Stepping into your sexual power

2) Understanding your sexual self as a sacred gift

3) Asking for exactly what you want

4) Saying no to sex that doesn’t serve you

We also talk about the tremendously important topic of RECEIVING. Receiving pleasure is such an art form. It can often come with feelings of guilt, shame, anxiousness or just general discomfort. Being able to relax your nervous system enough to deeply receive pleasure is a radical act of sexual reclamation. I’ll walk you through a somatic process to ope your self up to deeper and deeper receiving capacities.

HomePlay Assignment:

Practice receiving deeply in all aspects of your life. Receive help, receive support, receive compliments, receive gifts, receive rest, receive care, receive love. Practice makes perfect. It may feel uncomfortable. That’s ok. That discomfort is your nervous systems expanding to adapt to this new level of worthiness. The deeper receive, the more authentically and lovingly you can give.

Most importantly, practice receiving pleasure from yourself and your partner.


Workshop 25: Partnered Sex II


Workshop 27: The Eros of Life, Aliveness and Liberated Sex