Workshop 22:


Watch the Recording (YouTube)

Watch the Recording (DropBox)

Let’s talk about Pussy! Pussy is paradoxical. Pussy is a part of you and a force much larger than any of us. Pussy is personal and collective. Pussy is anatomical and archetypal. Pussy is physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. Pussy is alive. Pussy is for you to define for yourself. Pussy is deeply wise and has a lot to say! In this workshop I support you to connect with Pussy and to communicate with Pussy.

HomePlay Assignment:

Continue to connect and communicate with Pussy. Listen for Pussy’s “Yes” and “No”. Ask Pussy for guidance. Develop trust in Pussy and earn Pussy’s trust. Use this powerful part of you as a wise guide. Nothings that turn Pussy on. Please Pussy. Prioritize Pussy. Honor Pussy.


Workshop 21: The Sexiness of Imperfection


Workshop 23: Integration