Workshop 19:

Somatic Journey

Watch the Recording (YouTube)

Watch the Recording (DropBox)

In todays workshop, we use all the tools that we have gathered throughout the program to journey into the self. We return to the original, vital question of: What do I desire? In the process of moving towards pleasure, it is essential to work with the parts of us that fear pleasure, creating more and more safety for them to soften and blossom over time.

Together we practice pendulating between pleasure, discomfort and back to pleasure again. With practice, we can choose pleasure more and more often. Eventually, pleasure becomes our natural state.

HomePlay Assignment:

Continue to practice self pleasure. Continue to experiment and play. Practice patience, curiosity and self compassion. Cultivate new intimacies with yourself. Cultivate a relationship with eroticism itself.


Workshop 18: Anal Pleasure and Audio Erotica


Workshop 20: Sexual Identity